=Introduction= GARDEL is a tool for automatic segmentation and labelization of SEEG contacts.
=Installations instructions= You can download the standalone version below
=Example Data= This dataset contains data to run GARDEL or the 3Dviewer.
[http://meg.univ-amu.fr/GARDEL/ExampleData.zip ==>DOWNLOAD Example dataset<==]
Please leave your comments/issues at samuel.medinavillalon@gmail.com
=How to cite=
Please cite : '''EpiTools, A software suite for presurgical brain mapping in epilepsy: Intracerebral EEG, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2018'''
=Acknowledgements= Thanks to all Dynamap team
part of this works was financed by ANR Vibrations
=Contacts= samuel.medinavillalon@gmail.com