Export Data
AnyWave allows exporting current data set to another file format.
Several options are available to:
- Select output file format.
- Select channels to export (Current Montage, Raw channels, Selected channels).
- Export only some chunks of data (using markers).
- Avoid artefacts data chunks (using markers).
- Filter data or not.
Select output format
Change format using the dropdown list and set the output directory and file name.
Select channels
If a channel selection is active within the signal views, that selection will be proposed by default.
Click on buttons at the bottom of the window to change the channels you want to export:
Click on Selected channels will export only selected channels.
Click on Current Montage will export current montage.
Click on Raw Channels will export channels as they are stored in data set. The montage is ignored.
Remove selected channels button allows to manually remove some channels in the list. This is a convenient feature to manually compose the list of channels you want to export.
Export chunks of data (Optional)
If the current data set contains markers defining chunk of data (markers with duration) then this option lets you choose chunks to export.
- Select the marker label matching chunks of data you want to export then click on + button.
- Click on - button will remove current selected marker from the list.
Click Next to validate your choice and go forward to the next page.
Note: if more than one marker is present in the data set, the data chunks they represent will be exported CONCATENATED.
Export data avoiding some chunks (Optional)
This allow exporting data WITHOUT chunks containing artefacted data.
This is very similar to the previous optional page.
Select markers to avoid and click + to add them to the list.
Click next to validate your choice.
Filter data (Optional)
By default, no filter will be applied on data.
Choose 'Change to apply current AnyWave's filter options' to filter data while exporting.
Downsampling (Optional)
You can reduce the sample rate by 2 or 4. The default is a factor of 1, no downsampling.