- Introduction
- Marker struct description
- Default usage
- Add an extra parameter to the function
- Get markers by their labels
- Get markers by values
- Get markers which target channels
- Get only markers with a duration
This command allows getting markers as a struct array.
Marker struct description
Marker.label; % label of marker
Marker.position; % position in seconds.
Marker.duration; % duration in seconds.
Marker.value; % value associated with marker
Marker.targets; % cell array of strings. Labels of targeted channels. Empty if the marker is GLOBAL.
Default usage
function main(varargin)
anywave('init', varargin);
markers = anywave('get_markers');
This code will get ALL the markers loaded with the current data file.
Add an extra parameter to the function
In order to specify constraints or requirements on the data we want to access to, the function allows an extra parameter which must be a struct.
Get markers by their labels
function main(varargin)
anywave('init', varargin);
cfg = [];
cfg.labels = {'seizure', 'EI' };
markers = anywave('get_markers', cfg);
if ~isempty(markers)
% process markers
This code will get all markers labeled seizure and EI.
Get markers by values
function main(varargin)
anywave('init', varargin);
cfg = [];
cfg.values = [10 5 512];
markers = anywave('get_markers', cfg);
if ~isempty(markers)
% process markers
This code will get all markers with a value of 10, 5 or 512.
Get markers which target channels
function main(varargin)
anywave('init', varargin);
cfg = [];
cfg.channels = {'A1', 'A3' }; % get markers targeting channel A1 and/or A3
markers = anywave('get_markers', cfg);
if ~isempty(markers)
% process markers
Get only markers with a duration
This can be done by specifying options:
function main(varargin)
anywave('init', varargin);
cfg = [];
cfg.options = {'with duration'};
markers = anywave('get_markers', cfg);
if ~isempty(markers)
% process markers