Save to file (Menu File -> Save as)
This allows to save the current file to another format but also to specify the channels you want to export, the filtering options to apply (offline filtering).
Output file
Choose file format and file output path.
If channels were selected in a view before saving they will appear in the default list of channels to export allowing to quickly export only selected channels to the output file.
Button under the list allow to quickly set the channels to export.
Data chunks (optional)
This page of the GUI will be shown only if data contains markers with duration.
This permits to cut and/or select the data chunks to export.
By selecting the marker label to avoid/skip the matching data chunks won't be written to the output file.
By selection the marker label to use, only the matching data chunks will be written to the output file.
Both options can be combined.
Offline filtering (optional)
The list displays the current filtering options set in AnyWave for channels.
Set the values to zero to save with NO filtering or adjust the settings to filter the data when saving to output file.