A Python plugin is a folder located in the user home dir.
Documents\AnyWave\Plugins\Python on Windows.
/home/username/AnyWave/Plugins/Python on Linux.
/users/username/AnyWave/Plugins/Python on MacOS.
The annywave_plugin_api package : https://pypi.org/project/anywave-plugin-api/1.0/
Setup your python installation in the Preferences
If you want to use a venv, just pick the folder of your venv, AnyWave will detect the Python interpreter.
Install the anywave package into your Python environment
First, make sure pip supports wheel format:
python pip install --upgrade pip
Install the package:
pip install anywave-plugin-api==1.0
1. Starting with anywave v2105 you can use the Plugin Creation Tool to create a new plugin.
1.1 Make it by your own
Create a folder in AnyWave/Plugins/Python directory.
In that directory, create two files:
- desc.txt
- __main.py__
1.1.1 desc.txt
This file is a simple text file that must contain the following lines:
name = My Plugin
description = Do something on data optional lines
To tune up the behavior of your plugin you may add some flags to tell AnyWave what you plugin can do:
flags=nodatarequired -> this line will inform anywave that your plugin can run even if no data file is open.
flags=canrunfromcommandline -> this flag indicates that your plugin can be run from the command line.
You can combine flags by separating them with a colon (:)
Put your plugin in a submenu, by adding the following line:
category=Process:MyCategory:My plugin
This line will create a sub menu called MyCategory in the Processes Menu of AnyWave and a link to launch the plugin.
1.1.2 __main__.py
This is the module AnyWave will execute as your main entry point for the plugin.
The first lines of code must be the following:
import anywave, sys
2. Compiled plugin
There are several python tools to build an exe file from a python package, like pyexec.
This is supported by AnyWave that will run the py.exe as if it was a regular python plugin.
Inform AnyWave to run an exe by adding the following line in desc.txt:
compiled plugin=nameofexefile
3. check that AnyWave detects your plugin at startup
Close and relaunch AnyWave, your plugin should appear in the Processes menu.