Using the plugin from the command line
The plugin can use the following options:
option | type | description/value |
--run ica | MANDATORY | name of the plugin |
--modality value | MANDATORY | value must be: MEG SEEG EEG EMG |
--comp value | optional | value is the number of components to compute. Default is number of channels |
--algorithm name | optional | infomax cca sobi : default is infomax |
--use_seeg_electrode electrode | optional | compute ICA only on electrode |
--save_comp_traces | optional | a switch to get also a .vhdr file containing the components time series |
This plugin also uses the following common options:
option | type |
--input_file | MANDATORY |
--hp | optional |
--lp | optional |
--use_markers | optional |
--skip_markers | optional |
--output_dir | optional |
--output_suffix | optional |
--output_prefix | optional |
--marker_file | optional |
NOTE: the --montage_file option is ignored. The plugin ALWAYS uses the as recorded channels from the data file.
command line examples
Compute on MEG using default infomax algorithm.
80 components requested, signal filtered (1-70)
anywave --run ica --input_file d:\data\1\cf,rDC --modality MEG --comp 80 --hp 1 --lp 70
Compute using sobi algorithm avoiding artefacts:
anywave --run ica --input_file d:\data\1\cf,rDC --algorithm sobi --modality MEG --hp 1 --lp 70 --skip_markers "artefact"