Using the plugin from the command line
The plugin will requires the following options:
option | type | description/value |
--run spectral | MANDATORY | name of the plugin |
--time_window value | MANDATORY | length of fft window in s |
--overlap value | MANDATORY | overlap length for next fft window |
--windowing type | optional | a string containing either Hanning, Hamming or None |
This plugin also supports the following common options:
option | type |
--input_file | MANDATORY |
--use_markers | optional |
--skip_markers | optional |
--output_dir | optional |
--output_suffix | optional |
--output_prefix | optional |
command line examples
Basic usage
anywave --run spectral --input_file d:\data\myfile.eeg --time_window 1 --overlap 0.5
PSD will be computed for all channels in myfile.eeg, unless there is a myfile.eeg.mgt file.
PSD will be computed on the whole data unless there is a myfile.eeg.mrk file containing markers with durations.
The fft window will be 1s, and the fft overlap will be 0.5s.
The result file will go in d:\data.
force to compute on the whole data
anywave --run spectral --input_file d:\data\myfile.eeg --time_window 1 --overlap 0.5 --use_markers all_data
avoid artefacts (assuming we have a myfile.eeg.mrk file)
anywave --run spectral --input_file d:\data\myfile.eeg --time_window 1 --overlap 0.5 --skip_markers artefact
Customize output file name
anywave --run spectral --input_file d:\data\myfile.eeg --time_window 1 --overlap 0.5 --output_prefix psd --output_suffix custom
That will generate d:\data\psd_fftwindow-1024_fftoverlap-512_windowing-hanning_custom.mat